Who is Yuki?

A Bit About Me.

I am a walking contradiction of a person that is simultaneously chipper and saltier than a sailor.


Young Childhood Years of Gaming & RP.

I’ve been gaming since I was maybe 5 or so. I have memories of playing a plethora of games in arcades before my family bought me first system, which was a Sega Genesis. My favorite for that system was Sonic Pinball. I have owned many systems since then, with the sitting king on the throne being the N64.

Young Adult Years of Gaming & RP.

My first venture into roleplay came about not too long after I received my first computer. This changed my entire world as a baby gamer. Online chats, forums, etc from the days of AOL brought about interests I never knew I had, or could even begin to be capable of. I found that I loved writing and creating characters of all walks of life, and I’ve not looked back since.

From there, I expanded into the realm of tabletop, but I always go back to online and text based…largely because it’s always been a bit of a challenge getting Dungeons and Dragons groups together.

Current Gaming & RP.

These days, I tend to focus on one or two games at a time; and while I am more often than not an alt-a-holic simply for the fact, I enjoy trying it all. Thankfully, in certain games, I only have to keep track of one character when they allow for all things to be done on one character.

That said, I still love playing around in character creators and seeing what fun appearances I can come up with. The only downside to that, is when a random idea for a character comes to mind while I’m doing so! So I suppose you could say, it’s not just appearances I’m drawn to creating, but bringing stories to life as well.



I enjoy many genre’s, but I tend to lean heavily towards fantasy and historical themes. I do however, greatly enjoy many scifi and dystopian themes as well.

Myers-Briggs Personality Test


Enneagram Test


Emotional Intelligence Test
